The Tender Loving Eldercare Blog

Should You Read My Book? Ask Amy!

I was delighted and honored on June 28th, 2023, when Amy Dickinson, nationally-syndicated advice columnist, recommended my book, The Conscious Caregiver, to her readers in her “Ask Amy” column!

A family caregiver wrote in because she was at the end of her rope with her mother and “her stress level is through the roof.” We’ve all been there with our care recipients, haven’t we?

Amy replied with very good steps to take to lighten the caregiver’s load and then added, “You might benefit from reading The Conscious Caregiver: A Mindful Approach to Caring for Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself by Linda Abbit.” Wow! What a wonderful surprise!

I don’t know if Amy Dickinson is or was a caregiver, but if so, I hope my book helped her on her caregiving journey. I’m also very appreciative that she shed light on family caregivers, their struggles and the support we all need as we go through this challenging experience. Thank you, Amy!

Click here (or see below) to read the letter from the caregiver and Amy’s reply.

Linda Abbit, Author of the Conscious Caregiver

About Linda Abbit

Linda Abbit is a caregiving expert, author, and a frequent in-person and virtual keynote speaker and workshop presenter. As a family caregiver with more than twenty-five years of hands-on experience, Linda has faced many caregiving challenges and a wide variety of situations while caring for her parents and other family members.

Read more about Linda's experience and how she helps caregivers. Need help at your fingertips? Get Linda's book, The Conscious Caregiver: A Mindful Approach to Caring for Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself.